CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS and The Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot книга на английском языке для школьников и подростков Капитан Подштанник комикс на английском

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CAPTAIN UNDERPANTS and The Sensational Saga of Sir Stinks-A-Lot книга на английском языке для школьников и подростков

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208 страниц в книге


George and Harrold and their doubles, Yesterday George and Yesterday Harold, have discovered something rotten in the state of Ohio, and it's smellier than a pile of putrid gym socks! The boys' malicious gym teacher, Mr. Meaner, has created Rid-O-Kid 2000TM, a smelly mind control spray that transforms their fellow students into attentive, obedient, perfect children. Can George and Harold and their look-alikes plug their noses and put an end to this odiferous offender?


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