The Dragon and the Knight поп-ап книга Роберт Сабуда (pop-up by Robert Sabuda)

Code: 1740
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    3 548 руб.

The Dragon and the Knight поп-ап книга Роберт Сабуда (pop-up by Robert Sabuda)

Любителям Драконов и Рыцарей посвящается!
A brave Knight chases a Dragon through the land of fairy tales, speeding through Rupunzel, fluing through Aladdin, and blowing through The Three Little Pigs. Though the chase, each fairy tale literally pops off the page in a brand-new? Exuberant, and wildly creative book from world-renowned paper engineer Robert Sabuda. Will the Knight be triumphant? Jump in and find out…
10 объемных разворотов
Формат 22,5см*18,5см
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